Monday, September 15, 2014

Introduce Yourself

Take a minute to leave a comment and tell us three interesting facts about yourself. Ideas to include are your favorite: places to eat, things to do during your free time, movies, subjects in school, books to read, or types of music. We can't wait to learn more about you!

1 comment:

  1. To make a comment, click on "Comments" and add your comment in the dialogue box. Then, on the "Comment as" drop down menu, choose "Name/URl" and type in your first name. Check the spelling and punctuation of your comment before clicking "Publish".

    I'll introduce myself first. Here are three facts about me.
    1) I grew in Louisiana and am a big Saints fan. Who dat!
    2) My favorite place to eat is Olive Garden.
    3) I am the oldest of three girls in my family. My two younger sisters are named Danielle and Amy.
