Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This week in 6th Grade ELA Classes....

We've been reading "Storm" (pg. 97 in our literature book), an excerpt from Woodsong written by Gary Paulsen. This is a story about the Iditarod (click to watch a Discovery video on the Iditarod).  The vocabulary words we're studying are: ladle, disengage, regain, and emit. We've also discussed character traits of Storm, such as his physical traits, personality, and dog sled skills. 

This Week in 7th Grade ELA ...

We've been reading Tales of O.Henry: Retold Timeless Classics. The vocabulary words that we've studied are: ransom, stake, shiver, rustle, & scalp. The literary device that we've studied is characterization, which includes static vs. dynamic characters, round vs. flat characters, and protagonists vs. antagonists. 

Lesson 3 vocabulary worksheets were handed out Monday. We discussed the meaning and examples of the 15 vocabulary words. The sheet should be completed as homework and is due Thursday. Students will take a vocabulary test on the definitions Friday. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

7th Grade Mystery Choice Board

We have been reading "The Speckled Band" out of Tales of Sherlock Holmes: Retold Timeless Classics. You choose one  out of nine activities from the Mystery Choice Board handout to complete for a project grade. You worked on this in class today, but if you did not finish in class you are to complete for homework. Projects are due at the beginning of class tomorrow, Wednesday, 10/7/14.